
Does Cooking Beans Longer Reduce Gas

Vertical image of a blue bowl filled with cooked white legumes, with text on the top and bottom of the image.

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Beans are high in fiber and a good source of plant-based protein. They're also inexpensive, filling, and may help to prevent several types of chronic disease.

Vertical image of a blue bowl filled with cooked white legumes, with text on the top and bottom of the image.

However, there's one potential drawback, and it's a big one:

Eating legumes can cause gas.

Luckily, you don't have to let fear of digestive distress stop you from eating this nutritious food. There are ways to prepare them that reduce the potential for causing gas!

Here's what we'll cover in this article:

What You'll Learn

  • Why Do Beans Cause Gas?
  • Tips for Prepping and Eating Beans to Reduce Gas
  • What About Adding Baking Soda?
  • How to Cook Beans to Reduce Gas

Why Do Beans Cause Gas?

First, let's talk about why they're so gassy.

Beans contain a complex sugar called raffinose that the body can't fully digest.

Normally, sugars like raffinose would be digested in the small intestine. However, since humans lack the enzyme to break it down, raffinose makes its way from the small into the large intestine still intact.

Vertical image of an oblong white pan filled with three types of neatly organized dried legumes.

Once in the large intestine, gut bacteria begin breaking it down, producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gas. What happens next is what you're already familiar with: bloating, abdominal discomfort, and gas.

So, how do you reduce gas? By breaking down raffinose before it hits the large intestine.

Tips for Prepping and Eating Beans to Reduce Gas

If you enjoy eating lovely legumes and want to include them in your diet (and I highly recommend that you do so, for vegetarians and omnivores alike!), there are several steps you can take and things you can do to decrease the risk of suffering from uncomfortable gas as a result.

Vertical image of a metal measuring cup with dried white legumes next to a glass bowl and metal colander on a white surface.

Here are my top tips for prepping and eating them:

1. Soak Before Cooking

Studies have shown that soaking dried beans for 8-12 hours before cooking can help to reduce the quantity of raffinose sugars.

The key is to discard the water after soaking, and use fresh water for cooking. Less raffinose in your soup or chili will help to make the legumes easier to digest.

2. Gradually Add Beans to Your Diet

Beans are high in fiber. While this is a good thing, it can also cause bloating and discomfort if your body isn't used to eating and digesting higher amounts of fiber regularly.

Vertical image of an oblong white pan with three neatly organized types of dried legumes in front of empty bags on a white surface.

So, rather than jumping right into a big bowl of chili or hearty soup, start slow by adding a small amount as a garnish to your tacos or salads at first, and then gradually increase your portions as your body adjusts.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

As most of the unwanted GI symptoms related to eating legumes are due to fermentation in the large intestine, one way to reduce symptoms is to keep everything moving through your system in a timely fashion.

Drinking plenty of water will help to keep everything running smoothly, giving the bacteria in your intestines less time to produce those pesky gasses.

So the next time you're enjoying a big plateful of sausage, kale, and white bean pasta, be sure to keep those glasses full of water, with a pitcher at the dinner table!

4. Chew Thoroughly

While we usually think about the stomach and intestines when we think about digestion, this process actually starts in the mouth. Chewing helps to break food down into smaller pieces, so that nutrients can be digested and absorbed more easily.

Vertical close-up image of a blue bowl with a red rim filled with cooked white legumes on a wooden surface, with a bowl of spices in the background.

Chew your food thoroughly to improve digestion. This doesn't have to be an obsessive task, but eating more mindfully without distractions like the television can help us to more thoroughly enjoy our food, and sitting down to eat can help us to slow down.

5. Consider Digestive Enzymes

Even if you follow all of these tips, you may be one of the unlucky individuals that's especially sensitive to gas formation from legumes.

Beano Food Enzyme Dietary Supplement Tablets, 100-Count Bottles, Pack of 2, available on Amazon

If that's the case, you may want to consider taking an over-the-counter digestive enzyme like Beano, which is available on Amazon. These supplements provide the enzymes our bodies are missing, to help break down raffinose sugar before it is fermented by bacteria in the gut.

What About Adding Baking Soda?

A common trick for reducing gas is to add baking soda to the cooking water, as it helps to soften the skins.

While some studies have shown improvements in digestion as a result, others haven't found a significant difference when baking soda was used.

Vertical close-up image of three types of dried legumes neatly organized in rows in a large white bowl.

Personally, the only differences I've noticed when using baking soda are that the beans cook faster, and don't hold their shape quite as well.

So, while you can try adding 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per pound of dried beans during cooking, results are not guaranteed, and you'll want to keep a closer eye on the the cooking time and texture of your legumes as well.

How to Cook Beans to Reduce Gas

Now that your beans have been soaked or prepped, and you have strategies in mind to change or improve your eating habits with the goal of better digestion in mind, it's time to cook those legumes!

What You'll Need

  • Dried beans
  • Colander
  • Bowl with a lid or plastic wrap
  • Saucepan or large pot with a lid
  • Optional: herbs and spices

A few notes:

  • If cooking a smaller amount, use a medium-sized saucepan. If you're making a whole bag, use a large stockpot.
  • I like to soak them in a glass bowl with a cover, and then transfer them to a pot for cooking. But you can also soak and cook in the same pot. Just make sure to change out the water before cooking.

Step 1 – Soak

I explained this briefly above, and the purpose behind it. Here, I'll go into a little more detail for you.

Horizontal image of soaking white legumes in water in a glass bowl on a white surface.

Before you get started, quickly sort through your beans to remove any rocks or debris.

Next, add the dried beans to a bowl or saucepan

Cover with warm water. As a general rule of thumb, for every cup of dried beans, add 4 cups of water.

Cover the pot or bowl and set it aside on the counter at room temperature. Let them soak for 8-12 hours.

Step 2 – Drain and Rinse

Horizontal image of rinsing dried white legumes in a metal colander in a sink.

After soaking, pour everything into a colander to drain. Rinse them well with cold water, and return the beans to the pot.

Step 3 – Cook

Add enough water to cover the beans by 2 inches, and place your pot on the stove.

Horizontal image of a metal pot filled with water and white legumes on a stovetop.

Bring to a boil over high heat, boil for 30 seconds, and then quickly reduce the heat to a very low simmer. Cook for 45-60 minutes. Larger or older beans may take an extra 10-15 minutes to cook.

Horizontal image of cooked white legumes in a metal bowl.

Should the lid be on or off? It depends on the texture you're looking for.

  • For softer beans that are slightly mushy, simmer with the lid on.
  • For slightly firmer beans that retain their shape, keep the lid off.

Step 4 – Add Digestion-Friendly Spices

There's no solid scientific evidence that these herbs and spices will prevent gas when eating beans, and this step is optional. However, traditional medicine, as well as some recent studies, have suggested that these spices may help with digestion and abdominal discomfort.

Horizontal image of a white bowl filled with piles of assorted spices on a wooden table.

Plus, they can add a nice flavor to your beans!

Spices to try:

  • Cardamom
  • Cumin
  • Fennel
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint

Simply add 1 teaspoon of one of these herbs or spices to your cooked beans, or more to taste. My two go-to's are cumin and ginger.

Ground cumin works especially well if you'll be using them in a Mexican-inspired dish, such as quesadillas or burrito bowls. Ginger-spiced white beans provide a flavorful and easy way to add more fiber and plant-based protein to a veggie stir-fry.

Step 5 – Keep Leftovers in the Freezer

Rather than worrying about making de-gassed beans every time I need them for a recipe, I like to make all my beans in one weekend.

Horizontal image of seasoned white legumes in plastic containers on a wooden table, with a metal spoon inserted into one container

I keep prepped beans that I'll eat throughout the week ahead in an airtight container in the fridge. Then I divide the rest into separate airtight containers, each filled with enough for a future weeks' meals, and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

To thaw, simply move one container to the fridge the night before you plan to cook with or eat them.

Simple Strategies with Welcome Results

Don't let a past uncomfortable experience with gas scare you off forever. With a few dietary changes and simple strategies, our tips and cooking suggestions will help you to eat the beans you enjoy, with less digestive upset as a result.

Horizontal image of a blue bowl with handles filled with cooked white legumes on a wooden table next to a white bowl with ground spices.

Ready to eat more beans? They can be added to a variety of dishes. Get started with some of our favorite recipes:

  • Chili Lime Chicken with Black Beans and Rice
  • Black Bean and Mango Tropical Quinoa
  • Hearty and Flavorful Vegetarian Burrito Bowls

Let us know if these tips work for you by leaving a comment below!

Photos by Kelli McGrane, © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. With additional writing and editing by Allison Sidhu.

The written contents of this article have been reviewed and verified by a registered dietitian for informational purposes only. This article should not be construed as personalized or professional medical advice. Foodal and Ask the Experts, LLC assume no liability for the use or misuse of the material presented above. Always consult with a medical professional before changing your diet, or using supplements or manufactured or natural medications.

About Kelli McGrane, MS, RD

Kelli McGrane is a Denver-based registered dietitian with a lifelong love of food. She holds undergraduate and master's degrees in nutrition science from Boston University. As a registered dietitian, she believes in the importance of food to nourish not only your body, but your soul as well. Nutrition is very personal, and you won't find any food rules here, other than to simply enjoy what you eat.

Does Cooking Beans Longer Reduce Gas


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